[AMPS] SB220 output

measures 2@vc.net
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 15:13:44 -0800

>At 11:30 AM 12/8/01 -0500, Tom Rauch wrote:
>>> I am considering the purchase of a used SB220. The seller says it
>>> produces +/- 700 watts out on all bands. I was surprised at this number,
>>> expecting something over 1000 instead. What's reasonable to expect?
>>> Bill N7DZ
>>Why would you expect over 1000 watts output from an amplifier 
>>that was designed to run 1000 watts input power on CW?
>>The SB220 will run more than it's design rating, but you are using 
>>up all the headroom when you do it.
>Hang on a sec ...  The SB-220 was rated at 1000W input on CW because that
>was the legal limit at that time.  I have run mine in SSB position for 3
>years so far, in heavy CW and phone contesting, and it has shown no
>problems at from ~950 watts output on 10 to 1250 watts on 80.  I've kept
>careful watch on the temperature of the power supply, color of tube anodes,
>etc. and everything seems quite comfortable.
>73, Pete N4ZR

My guess is that you oil the fan motor occasionally.

cheers, Pete

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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