[AMPS] SB-200 tuning problem - some clarifications

measures 2@vc.net
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 20:53:02 -0800

>There were a few things I left out of this last post:
>I already checked the pointer alignment. at one end it is fully 
>meshed and at the other end it is fully open. 
>The rig I am using for an exciter is a Yaesu FT-920. At first I used 
>it without the automatic antenna tuner, but now I use it with the 
>tuner enabled. Either way, it has the same effect. 
>I tried setting the TUNE cap within the desired band and adjusting 
>the load for max output, varying the TUNE within the band range. 
>This never worked. The most I could get out of the amp is 100 watts 
>- what I get with the 920 barefoot. 
>I checked the band switches and found that some of them were 
>tarnished very slightly. I cleaned them with Tarn-X and cleaned them 
>again with alcohol (in case the Tarn-X left a residue). Same thing. 
>I haven't tried playing with the tuning slugs. Is this the key?
For those who use a solid state radio, the key is to increase the Q of 
the tuned inputs to c. 2.  
cheers, Mike
>At 01:58 PM 12/8/00 -0500, you wrote:
>>I have an SB-200 (S/N 13643) and I have been having problems 
>>tuning it, especially on 10 Meters. I got it off e-Bay for a good 
>>price and it seems to be in otherwise great condition. 
>>When I tune the amplifier on any band to what I believe is the 
>>correct resonance, the pointer on the TUNE knob never points 
>>to the correct band, as marked on the cabinet. It always peaks 
>>the REL PWR output at a point further to the left of the band 
>>scale (with plate current within the specified limit). It is always 
>>impossible to tune the amplifier within the proper band scale 
>>Secondly, tuning the amplifier on 10 Meters is quite a battle. 
>>It usually takes me at least five minutes to tune that thing to 
>>anywhere near 400 Watts of output power. Right now, I know 
>>it's tuned to the CW portion of the 10 Meter band and I don't 
>>want to touch it, for fear of losing that resonant point. 
>>The two situations occur when I am tuning into either an antenna 
>>or into a dummy load. I used several types and lengths of coax, 
>>with the same results. 
>>I tried replacing the tubes with NOS, but that didn't help. I also 
>>checked the components for physical damage and excessive heat. 
>>Nothing seems to be burnt (except a little discoloration on the power 
>>supply PCB) and none of the coils seem to be open. 
>>Is this normal for an SB-200 of its age? Is there anything I am 
>>Thanks and 73,
>>Mike, N8MR
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-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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