[AMPS] SB-200 to 3cx800a7??

Norman Hockler norsan@bright.net
Sat, 09 Dec 2000 17:33:57 -0500

The 92 handbook has a nice design for a 6M linear using the 3CX800A7.  The 
power supply should be ok. You can mount a new filament transformer in the 
bottom.  Tube can mount where the one of the 572's used to mount. Cover the 
other hole.  Remove the
old input circuitry and replace with whats called out in the design.  Apply 
coolong air with an approperate blower to a new hole through the 
back.  Have fun.

de Norm N8NH

At 12:03 PM 12/9/00 -0800, you wrote:

>Any info on converting an SB-200 to a 3CX800 then to 6 meters?
>Rich N7TR
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