[AMPS] On-off, or leave it on?

measures 2@vc.net
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 22:08:51 -0800

>My amp uses an Eimac 3CX3000A7, whose cathode is directly heated.  (It's a
>thoriated-tungsten filament, IIRC.)  An often-touted virtue of such a tube
>is that it requires just a couple of seconds of warmup time; in other
>words, it's "instant-on."
>My usual mode of operation is "search-and-pounce" DXing.  In this mode I
>may spend 30 minutes scanning the band for a "new one," and then use the
>amp for a QSO lasting just a minute or two.
>What's best for the tube?  

Leave the fil. off at all times.  

cheers, Chuck

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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