[AMPS] about transformer rewinding
Tue, 26 Dec 2000 11:34:32 -0800
re: National and generic transformer rewinding.
Hi Mark,
In restorations, one may want the exact size of the
original transformer, not a generic replacement. For a
National Amplifier, the first place I'd look would be Ebay.
There has been a significant "dumping" of NCL-2000
NOS parts as of late. Second, I'd find some of the
specialist dealers who favor part for the NCL-2K. Third,
a worst case, I'd rewind it myself. Carl, km1h and
others on the Eastern Seaboard have been known
to vend National NOS parts.
Many years back I did a repair on a Viking Valiant for
a guy. The transformer failed, a replacement could not
be located after much searching.
We unwound the transformer, sized the wire and
bought replacement stock at a motor rewinding shop
in the next local city. One has to pay careful attention
to the direction, placement and turns number for each
winding as they are removed and replaced.
It was a bit of a time consuming chore, but the
rewind went on without a hitch and the transformer
is in service to this day. Actually runs cooler than
the original did. I suspect the original had some
windings shorted, as indicated on Sencore LC-102
winding ring test.
A good electrical shop will also have listings on
"newer generations" of wire which have better
types of bonded insulation. If one decides to
"roll your own", some of the better insulators
might be a better performer in the long term.
skipp wv6f
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark <fordgt390@yahoo.com>
To: amps@contesting.com
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 07:00:06 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [AMPS] transformer rewinding?
Message-ID: <20001226150006.43551.qmail@web11608.mail.yahoo.com>
Hello Everyone,
Anyone still do this service reasonably at all for a
linear amplifier? Its for an NCL-2000 National
Amplifier. Its the main HV transformer of course. Let
me know, tnx and Merry Xmas!!
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