[AMPS] HT (or EHT) transformers

paul apollo_six@btinternet.com
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 17:38:10 +0000

Getting a reliable HT or EHT transformer of the correct current and
voltage specification these days surplus can be a difficult, painful and
almost impossible experience

I'd like to recommend a UK company whom I've used and **with whom I have
NO connection whatsoever** who manufactured to my specification an EHT
transformer with a spec of around 3.5KVA using EI laminations on a 5KVA
frame for the very reasonable cost of about 260 GBP about (~400 USD)
shipped in the UK.

I've used this transformer now for around 2 months and I'm extremely
happy with the workmanship, finish and performance.

Incidentally I contacted several UK companies, some by telephone, many
via the web and only this company bothered to reply with a properly
produced specification and written quote on company headed note paper.

If anyone does want a custom made transformer then try :- 



To try and not succeed is better than not to try at all (Anon)

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