[AMPS] Power Supply Diodes

measures measures@vcnet.com
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 19:38:42 -0700

>Even though this subject has been covered at some depth in the past, I find 
>myself at a loss for a solution to my latest predicament. A little 
>background information may help keep the "help" on track.
>My rack of amps is modular in design. Each amp deck contains only basic RF 
>and filament supply parts. Everything else is switched between each deck as 
>required. This allows one HV supply to be used for all the amps. My "old" 
>supply is choke input and provides 3100 volts at about 650 ma. all day 
>every day.
>When I brought up the YC156 amp, I discovered that it would quite happily 
>pull several amps of anode current when out of tune! The "old" supply 
>complained bitterly about that treatment, I got tired of resetting the 
>breakers, and built a bigger supply.
>Against my better judgement, but since no suitable choke was available, I 
>used a capacitor filter. The design criteria was for 3100 volts at 2 amps 
>peak to handle the tune up problem. I used 1N5408's in the diode string 
>paralleled with metal film resistors. 

Did you see the precaution against using so-called equalizer resistors in 
the post 1994 Handbooks?  What value of R ans watt rating?. 

> The diodes were all from the same 
>lot, but are from a "no-name' vendor.
>The failure happened in the middle of a CW QSO when the total load current 
>including bleeder and anode was just under 700 ma. One leg of the bridge 
>simply shorted out. Now I've had many diode stack failures in the past. I 
>could probably fill a gallon paint can with bad diodes. Each and every 
>failure in the past was because of a turn-on transient or amp big-bang 

Did you have a glitch resistor in series with the positive lead that 
limits peak fault I to <200A?  Do you have a step-start circuit?

> I've never had one just quit while running at 1/3 the design 
>So here's the question: why did the highly acclaimed 1N5408's fail? 

You did not state the manufacturer.  

>Are 3 
>amp diodes in a bridge not enough for a capacitor filter supply with over 2 
>amps DC output capability? 

They work fine at up to 6A in FWB if they have adequate cooling and no 
parallel circuit that unequalizes reverse currents.  (equalizer resistors)

>If that's not good enough, what is? Are "Silicon 
>Alley" diode stacks good enough for that level of current? I think not from 
>the published specs I've seen. Several vendors listed in Digikey offer 1000 
>volt/6 amp diodes. Would this be a better way to go?
The longest life diodes for high temp. applications are glass passivated. 
 For ham use, I doubt that they are necessary.  

later, Larry

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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