[AMPS] Power Supply Diodes

Steve Thompson rfamps@ic24.net
Fri, 4 Feb 2000 15:32:34 -0800

>What I would really like to know is if there is anyone out there who has
>successfully run 1N5408 diode in a bridge with a 32 mfd cap filter, 11 ohm
>secondary resistance and 2 amps of current.
>Still wondering,
>Larry - W7IUV

Can't claim practical experience, but I did run a Spice simulation. I
assumed the primary R effect doubled the secondary Rs, and I assumed about
4.5kV dc (didn't keep a copy of your original post).

At .75A dc in the load, the current in the diodes is 6.5A peak. At 2A dc,
the diode current is 12A peak, with a longer conduction period. This is 40ms
after 'turn on', when the current appears to have settled to a constant


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