[AMPS] ameritron al-82

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Tue, 15 Feb 2000 10:57:05 -0500

At 07:43 AM 2/15/2000 -0700, measures wrote:
>�  However, when the 20m tap on a SB-220 is used for 30m operation, the 
>operating Q and the circulating current in the tank increases by c. 40%.  
> This causes a doubling of the  I-squared x R heating in the bandswitch 
>contacts.  Using the CW tap would help a bit, however, I would not take 
>the risk.  220 bandswitches are no longer manufactured.  

On the other hand, if he holds it to the legal 200W power for 30m, the
I-squared part will be pretty small, and the risk probably commensurate.

73,  Pete N4ZR

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