[AMPS] 4CX800's vs 4CX1600
Sun, 27 Feb 2000 07:36:18 -0700
>Svetlana has been on the market since the late 19th century. Quality is the
>main avantage I think...
''svetlana'' means ''light''. The Svetlana company was supposedly making
light bulbs before Lee De Forrest patented the triode electron tube in
1907. .
>-----Исходное сообщение-----
>От: sm5ki <sm5ki@algonet.se>
>Кому: UT7CT --> Anton Koval <tony@uch.net>; amps@contesting.com
><amps@contesting.com>; Steve Bookout <nj4f@erols.com>
>Дата: 27 февраля 2000 г. 9:38
>Тема: SV: [AMPS] 4CX800's vs 4CX1600
>>I have often been wondering why have the match problem of two 4CX800 tubes?
>>Would it not be better to always use one 4cx1600B tube? Of course the latter
>>tube will easier generate parasitics because its ability to amplify at
>>higher frequencies than the 4CX800.
>>By the way, when is SVETLANA coming out with a direct replacement of the
>>3-500Z? There has been rumours of a 3-600Z tube, I heard. Since EIMAC
>>stopped manufacturing the tube it is very difficult to find anything similar
>> reliable on the market.
Triton is apparently making tubes that are remarkably similar to late
production Eimac 3-500Zs. To explain: During the time that Eimac 3-500Zs
were made in Salt Lake City, many tubes were seemingly produced with
defective anode cooler welds. With normal use, the defective welds would
eventually let the anode cooler drop on the grounded-grid. Defective
spotwelds were caused by not using enough spotweld current. After Triton
purchased Eimac's glass-tube division, Triton reportedly began producing
tubes with defective anode cooler spotwelds. Hopefully, the problem has
been fixed. Chinese metal-cooler 3-500Z/8008s apparently do not have
this problem. Graphite anode-cooler tubes have no such problem.
>> I recently saw a HENRY 2K3 with the original
>>graphite 3-500Zs from early sixties in good shape.
Are you certain they weren't 3-400Zs?
>>Why buy SVETLANA 3cx800s when EIMAC has a much longer manufacturing
>>experience? The very small price difference does not motivate buying
>>SVETLANA. Or is their quality higher?
>>Is there, by the way, a reliable source for 3CX1000A7s with sockets?
>> Hans/SM5KI
>>>Frеn: "UT7CT --> Anton Koval" <tony@uch.net>
>>>Till: <amps@contesting.com>, "Steve Bookout" <nj4f@erols.com>
>>>Дmne: Re: [AMPS] 4CX800's vs 4CX1600
>>>Datum: lцr 26 feb 2000 23.41
>>> Dear Steve,
>>> The 4CX800A (GU-74B) tube is rated at about 800 W, the 4CX1600
>>>is rated at 1600 - 2000 W and works well over 1000 mHz.
>>> More technical data in English can be found at my site at
>>> 73 !
>>>UT7CT Ham Radio Devices - Fine range of CT
>>>Hand Keys & Paddles. Collectable keys. Svetlana
>>>PA tubes and much more at http://www.qsl.net/ut7ct
>>>tony@uch.net ICQ#19487420
>>>-----Исходное сообщение-----
>>>От: Steve Bookout <nj4f@erols.com>
>>>Кому: amps@contesting.com <amps@contesting.com>
>>>Дата: 27 февраля 2000 г. 1:40
>>>Тема: [AMPS] 4CX800's vs 4CX1600
>>>>Hello all,
>>>>Anyone care to comment on what the advantages/disadvantages of either
>>>>arrangement in an amp, all other things being relatively equal.
>>>>I would expect mainly the cost.
>>>>73 de Steve, NR4M
>>>>Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
>>>>Rapidan Data Systems
>>>>'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
>>>>Free demo at http://www.erols.com/pvander
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