[AMPS] N conn

i4jmy@iol.it i4jmy@iol.it
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 12:12:17 +0100

The idea to use N connectors in that application is infact basically 
wrong. The peak, and repetitive peak ratings of a connector can't be 
empirically and automatically evaluated good for the specific 
application if the average calculated power is within limits.  

Mauri I4JMY

> Last century I came upon a system where type N connectors were 
> constantly failing. They were used on the output connectors on RCA 
> Y-1086 and Y-1070 cavities, which use 7651 tetrodes at 200 MHz. The 
> highest power was about 5 kW peak, and 12% duty factor. This is about 
> 600 watts average power. Being the drivers for another stage, they 
> were subjected to VSWR during tuning of the grid input tuner for that 
> state - and no isolator was present. The original cavities were rated 
> for the peak but not the average (only 6% DF), and someone TURNED 
> THEM UP.  The input to the next stage also had N. We removed the N 
> and replaced with Shuner 7/16 DIN connectors and mating cables. We 
> replaced the Jones micromatch Directional couplers (having N 
> connectors) with Weralatone couplers having the 7/16 DIN connnector. 
> We got rid of the 7651 and went MOSFET for the 5500 watt stage 
> (MRF151Gs). End of problem. Never had another connector failure since 
> 1995 changeover.
> john

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