R: [AMPS] RF Choke Forms

measures measures@vcnet.com
Sat, 15 Jan 2000 21:03:30 -0700

>At 10:51 AM 1/15/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>>At Raytheon, we had a lathe operator drop dead while turning down a piece 
>>of Teflon.  
>To suggest that operating a lathe promotes death is preposterous.

€  Agreed.  According to the Ventura County Coroner's Medical Examiner, 
he died from breathing some flourine compound.  According to other 
machine shop employees, he had been turning down a large number of Teflon 
rods at high speed to save time.  
/  Cutting tools run fairly hot when cutting at high speeds.  In college, 
during my Machine Shop final exam, to save precious time, I made a long, 
deep high-speed cut that caused the cutting tool to incandesce for 
several minutes.  This raised a few eyebrows.  The instructor came over 
and explained to the class that such cuts were alright provided that a 
shallow cut followed to smooth things up. .  In the end it payed off 
because I got under the time limit.  


-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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