[AMPS] High Voltage Power Supply, Voltage Doubler Question ???

UNCRICHIE7@aol.com UNCRICHIE7@aol.com
Sun, 16 Jul 2000 00:01:58 EDT

This one is for the High Voltage Power Supply Guru's. I have a transformer 
thats secondary is 1100 volts.Theoretically a full wave doubler would give me 
2.8x equaling 3080 volts. Is this the real voltage that I will see? The 
transformer by the way is rated at 750 mils DC., 1100 and 1300 volt taps.
The reason I need to know is I hoped to feed 4-572B tubes with it. Most specs 
on the 572B call for a maximum of 2700 volts, with the average being 2500 to 
2600 volts.
Can I use the theoretical 3080 in hopes that it really won't be that high or 
am I asking for trouble?  Any suggestions short of a variac would really be 
appreciated. Thanks in advance.   Kurt...

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