[AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Wed, 26 Jul 2000 09:53:26 -0500

> <FF enquiry: How is it legal, therefore, for a commercial ham amplifier
> manufacturer to offer, even to licensed hams, information that enables
> operation on 10 meters?  The ability to opearate on 10 meters is effectively
> disallowed by subpart 97.317 (1)>

This information is furnished under seperate cover AFTER the amp is
purchased by the end user. If operation above 15 meters is not possible
during type acceptance testing, the amp passes this regulation.

It is perfectly legal for an amateur to modify his equipment after purchasing
it. The "after-market" instructions are therefore just as legal as instructions
on how to extend the frequency coverage of a transceiver.

Phil, k5PC

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