[AMPS] Commander 2500E
Phil Clements
Sun, 4 Jun 2000 23:19:24 -0500
Subject: Re: [AMPS] Commander 2500E
> It is illegal for the manufacturer to sell an 2500 E in the USA. Wish Mr.
> Hollingsworth would crack down on this goings on too !
> Just my $ .02 worth.....
> 73
> Jim W7RY
It is rumored that the guys drive up to the factory loading dock at
an appointed time, and slip them into the trunk. Most of the buyers
have no license, but no questions are asked. This kind of dealing
is as old as ham radio itself; not unique to any one dealer/manufacturer.
IMHO, the government has no business trying to regulate at this level
anyway. A very good way to get a very reliable 1500 watt amplifier is
to buy one that loafs at 4000 watts. Cars are sold regularly that loaf at
160 mph, but are super reliable at 70 mph. Guns that shoot more than
10 times without reloading are readily available. When are the American
people going to wake up and demand no more government regulation
above the user level?
Money talks, and Bovine Scatology walks, as always.
Another 2 cents worth....
Phil, K5PC
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