[AMPS] Step-start. questiobn DE K0FF

measures 2@vc.net
Fri, 9 Jun 2000 09:47:37 -0700

>I have an SB221 on 110VAC (for portable/motel ops) and want to install a
>step-start. I already have a nice 110 VAC relay, but don't know the correct
>size of series resistors to use. Any ideas?
AC-coil relays buzz the contacts in step-start service as they close.  DC 
relays close smoothly in step-start service without buzzing the contacts. 
 A good stepstart relay is the 110VDC / Heath  original.  It is too slow 
to avoid hotswitching with newer radios, so it should be replaced with 
high speed relays.  (see schematic on my Web site.)  the cost is around 

cheers, George,

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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