SV: [AMPS] Commander 2500E
Thu, 15 Jun 2000 06:43:37 +0000
There is one more limit - the DXCC rules: you have to stick to your
governments laws otherwise you get kicked out of DXCC. And exceeding 1500
watts pep out is not legal in the States is it? ( 1000 watts pep in Sweden
). Why do you all not get upset over amps members who talk about lineares
using tubes with handles? Their filament draws maybe more than the legal
output limit in some countries ( In A52 Bhutan no more than 100 watts ).
What about contest rules?
Oh boy now you will kill me ...............?
de Hans
>Från: "Paul Christensen" <>
>Till: "Phil Clements" <>, "Richard Ehrhorn"
<>, <>
>Ämne: Re: [AMPS] Commander 2500E
>Datum: ons 14 jun 2000 21.12
>>very quickly. I have no idea what ETO's relationship was with Payne Radio,
>>but he openly advertized and sold Alpha 77DX's that had "factory installed
>>kits" already aboard. A factory converted "SX" has more value to this day
>>than does a "field converted" unit.
>Don Payne was a distributor of some of the best classic and "esoteric" genre
>of amateur gear during the '60s, '70s, and perhaps into the '80s. I believe
>his product line included among others, ETO and Signal One. By the way, I
>received an e-mail from Don two weeks ago and he is doing well in his
>retirement years and is spending a considerable amount of time along the
>beaches of the beautiful Florida panhandle and chasing DX from atop his
>200-foot condominium.
>Regarding the 77Dx/77Sx: According to Dick Byrd, N4UQ, he has only seen
>perhaps one factory-converted Sx in more than thirty units that have come
>across his work bench. According to him, there are far fewer factory Sx
>units than folklore would lead us to believe. From my perspective, there's
>considerable distance between a manufacturer who produces an amplifier that
>can be modified by the user to accommodate ultra-high power and the
>manufacturer who is engaged in "speak-easy" deals in the parking lot. Let's
>face it: any commercially-manufactured amplifier can be modified to produce
>super power by anyone with the wherewithal and/or the finances needed to
>succeed. I have a 77Dx and I know what is involved in incorporating the
>addition of the second tube. Although making the modification is not
>terribly difficult, it's not for someone with a Heathkit skill-set. Quite
>honestly, I'll never understand why anyone would want to make the
>modification to begin with. In my opinion, the incremental probability of
>increased component failure by doubling much of the critical circuitry's
>parts-count (particularly the added tube) just isn't worth it...neither is
>the added cost per kilowatt-hour to my power company.
>>We need to take back this country before all the lakes are full of gas
>>additives and the airwaves are full of un-filtered 11 meter amps!
>If you can figure a way to do it Phil, let us all know!
>-Paul, W9AC
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