[AMPS] Emtron-Amplifier

Alek Petkovic vk6apk@eon.net.au
Thu, 15 Jun 2000 20:37:42 +0800

> >
> >Hello fellows,
> >on http://www.emtron.com.au I found info's about Emtron-DX-1 and Emtron-DX-2
> >amplifiers. I never heard before about this brand. Is there anybody who
> >knows something about this products and can one recommend it.
> >Thanks in advance for helping.
> >73's, Alfred, DL2JR
> >
>Reportedly, one or both models are low on cooling air pressure.  The
>apparent cure is to replace the axial fan with a high pressure
>centrifugal blower.
>cheers, Alfred
> >
>-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
The DX-2 that I have used for the last 12 months has no cooling problems. 
The centrifugal blower is a big mother. Not too noisy either. It has seen a 
few contests now and it has performed faultlessly the whole time I've had it.

The amp itself is an example of the finest workmanship, design and 
engineering you are ever likely to see. The chassis does not bend when it 
is lifted without the cover in place. It is very solid. It is interesting 
to note the use of Nichrome in the suppression of parasitics in this 
amplifier. There is definitely something in what Rich has been saying all 
these years.

73, Alek. VK6APK
Happy Emtron DX-2 owner.

ps: The DX-3 is now in production but not shown on the website yet. It uses 
a 3KW dissipation tetrode.

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