[AMPS] - New ACOM 2000A owner
Will, K6NDV
Thu, 29 Jun 2000 04:35:23 -0700
Thought this might be a nice new topic for the AMPS reflector.
-----Original Message-----
From: sm5ki [mailto:sm5ki@algonet.se]
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 8:34 AM
To: acom-list@egroups.com; acom-list@eGroups.com
Subject: SV: FWD: [acom-list] K5YG - New ACOM 2000A owner
A transceiver in super linear mode together with a super linear amp will
create a new problem: your neighboring hams on the next channel will come
closer to your frequency and splatter over you because they simply do not
know you are there! You get more QRM!
Another important question: when you crank down your power level: will you
still have same relation beetween pep and sideband noise/spuriouses as when
you run your rig with full output power?
73s de Hans SM5KI
>Från: Jim Idelson <jimi@designet.com>
>Till: "acom-list@eGroups.com" <acom-list@eGroups.com>
>Ämne: FWD: [acom-list] K5YG - New ACOM 2000A owner
>Datum: tor 29 jun 2000 13.01
>Congrats, Bill! I'm sure the reflector would like to hear more about your
>experiences with that combination. Are you running the Mark V in it's
>full-power mode with the RF output turned down, or have you switched to the
>'super-linear' mode with the max output at 75W? That mode sounds like a
>chouice if you run the amp most of the time.
>Jim K1IR
>---------- Forwarded Message ----------
>FROM: k5yg@aol.com
>TO: acom-list@egroups.com
>DATE: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 08:40:14 EDT
>RE: [acom-list] K5YG - New ACOM 2000A owner
>I just got my new ACOM 2000A on the air last night -- (SN 000116)
>The automatic switch should arrive soon.
>Looks Great, Works Great!!
>It is a perfect match with my FT1000MP Mark V !!
>I really treated myself for my 60th birthday on June 24th ---
>73, Bill - K5YG
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