Lee Roberts ki7rw@arrl.net
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 20:25:16 -0700

At 07:07 PM 2/29/00 -0600, you wrote:

>I see you are from ZL land.  If the amp was originally owned by a US ham,
>the 10/12 meter operation was done as a modification AFTER it left the
>factory.  In the US, manufacturers cannot sell a 10/12 meter capable
>amplifier, but it is legal to modify them to do so.  Perhaps something is
>wrong in the modification.

All that is done is to cut a strap to make it work on 10/12 meters. Someone 
would have to be a real moron to mess that up.

The resistors in my AL811H are burned and what a stench my amp makes when 
running on 10/12 meters! And, I was never able to get 800 watts out on 
10/12 meters. I contacted Ameritron about this and they said this is 
normal. I posted that message some time ago. But, the export models are 
rated at 800 watts on ALL bands. So, what gives?

This is the second amp that I've bought from Ameritron and it will be the 
last. The first amp is   a solid state amp whose finals kept blowing. 
Ameritron blamed it on my TS450. So, I'm an unsatisified Ameritron 
customer. Apparently others aren't too happy either. AND, I shouldn't have 
to modify an amp to make it work properly.

But, I think I'll replace the resistors with the metal oxide types. Maybe 
Ameritron should provide them for those of us still under warranty?


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