[AMPS] Network analysis of suppressors

measures 2@vc.net
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 21:12:27 -0700

>on 3/1/00 3:04 PM, Steve Iezzi at siezzi@aeronix.com wrote:
>> The nichrome behaved as advertised and lowered the Q of the resonance by a
>> factor of about 10.  At these very high frequencies, your results may vary
>> so pay attention to the setup.  Attempts to duplicate the resistance wire
>> with an additional series resistance did not work as the body of that device
>> added additional resonance albeit also at very high frequencies.
>I think we can all agree that nichrome will lower the Q of the resonant
>circuit.  It is a resistance.  Adding a resistance in the inductive branch
>of an LR circuit will change the Q.  No one is doubting that.
>The real question is if the extra dissipation is needed.  There is more than
>one way to skin a cat.  A lossy circuit can indeed reduce gain.  But
>frankly, I want to minimize the loss in my anode circuitry! .....
At 100MHz?

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