[AMPS] Network analysis of suppressors

Ian Roberts itr@nanoteq.co.za
Thu, 02 Mar 2000 11:01:44 +0200

Tom, please explain in your view, why tube type amplifiers are fitted
with suppressors.
And when amps with 3-500z's (for example) go band, why do they go bang?


Tom Rauch wrote:
> > The fact that many amplifiers work fine with the stock suppressors or even
> > no suppressors doesn't surprise me.  The variation in construction may
> > move the resonance to frequencies where there is insufficient gain to
> > cause a problem.  This would make some systems more likely to fail than
> > others.
> I can make any stock Clipperton, or any Clipperton blessed with
> nichrome, oscillate by misterminating the input and/or output, and
> adjusting the controls "properly" provided nothing is done to
> address the HF feedthrough problems.

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