[AMPS] Network analysis of suppressors
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 08:24:41 -0700
>on 3/2/00 10:37 PM, measures at 2@vc.net wrote:
>> Everything evil in the world, as disappointing as this may be to you,
>>> is not a parasitic. As a matter of fact, bangs caused by parasitics
>>> alone are most likely about zero percent.
>> Then why do people find that the vhf suppressor R is greatly higher in
>> resistance after a big-bang?
>What was the condition of the resistors BEFORE the big bang, Rich? Unless
>you or anyone measured them right before, we have no we of knowing do we?
>The fact that they are bad when measured is circumstantial evidence. It
>would never hold up in a court of law.
> . Unless you specifically know what
>their state was prior to the "bang" then you cannot comment on what caused
>their state after the "bang."
>The resistors could have been bad already from heating effects, age, etc.
Surely, Jon. 10m FM and RTTY often leave bubbles on the surface of
R-supp, however, with VHF parasite damage, the surface typically looks
shiny new and the resistance may increase 3x to 4x.
later, Jon
>"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
In this neighborhood, four people died at RR crossings. I live my life
in fear of trains at RR crossings.
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