[AMPS] rollers
Jim Reid
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 11:06:42 -1000
Hi, I can offer a bit of info:
> I'd be interested in your comments regarding the Palstar
>roller (5Kw+ & $225.00 US) which they sell separately as
>well as incorporating in their 4Kw tuner?
I was told the roller in the Palstar is made by Henry Radio.
I have both the AT4K Palstar tuner, and Henry Radio
Ultra (remote controlled) amp. The construction of the
rollers appears identical, including the internal pinch
roller set up. Have a look at the Henry rollers at:
And compare to the Palstar roller view at:
Other than the color of the end plates, etc.; sure appear
the same to me, hi.
BTW, I had trouble with arcing around the small torroid
power pick-off in the Palstar vswr/ fwd,refl setup. Also
completely burned up one of the detector diodes, and
singed the small PC card on which the diodes are mounted!
I believe the problem was caused by a bad length of
coax between my amp and the input to the Palstar;
intermittent some place in this now discarded length!
So, I removed all of that componentry, including the metal
box in which these parts were contained. Input connector
cener conductor now runs directly to the terminal on the
gigantic dual ceramic switch within the Palstar. Monitor
my reflected power via a 100 watt slug in a Bird 43
permanantly in line with Palstar input coax in series
with RF Applications P-3000 or VFD digital RF Power/
vswr meters. These RF Apps units also use small torroid
power pick off setup, and for some reason tend to read a
bit of vswr increase with power flow increase; however, the
Bird shows no increase in reflected power, if any, at all.
VFD bargraph seems more accurate and more fine indication
of power out at tune up; replaces the now in-active bar
graph of my Palstar tuner.
Very pleased with these components in my rig array!
73, Jim, KH7M
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