Fwd: [AMPS] Globar Resistors

w6frmarv w6frmarv@pacbell.net
Sat, 04 Mar 2000 19:42:59 -0800

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

At 07:36 PM 3/4/00 -0700, you wrote:
> >Dan Hearn, N5AR wrote:
> >
> >>I have been using these resistors (Globars) in parasitic suppressors 
> for many
> >>years . Has anyone ever had one of these fail or change value without a
> >>change in external appearance?
> >Like you Dan, I've used the small Globars for years for parasitic
> >suppressors and now, more recently for glitch protection and never found
> >any problem whatsoever.  I also saw them in use for some commercial
> >multi-kW amps, by Create Eng., with the same units.
>A 6" long ''non-inductive'' Globar resistor has over 100nH.  One
>disadvantage to Globars is that the length to diameter ratio tends to be
>too high - typically about 6 or more to one.  The L/D ratio for a vhf
>suppressor resistor needs to be low - otherwise the desired
>stagger-tuning effect is not obtained.   Cesiwid/Globar/Kanthal can make
>such resistors on special orders of 1k minimum units.
> >
>later, Marv

I wouldn't dream of using a six inch globar.  Mine were type CX and TWO 
inches long.



Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"

<font size=3>At 07:36 PM 3/4/00 -0700, you wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite cite>&gt;Dan Hearn, N5AR wrote:<br>
&gt;&gt;I have been using these resistors (Globars) in parasitic
suppressors for many<br>
&gt;&gt;years . Has anyone ever had one of these fail or change value
without a<br>
&gt;&gt;change in external appearance?<br>
&gt;Like you Dan, I've used the small Globars for years for parasitic
&gt;suppressors and now, more recently for glitch protection and never
found <br>
&gt;any problem whatsoever.&nbsp; I also saw them in use for some
commercial <br>
&gt;multi-kW amps, by Create Eng., with the same units.<br>
A 6&quot; long ''non-inductive'' Globar resistor has over 100nH.&nbsp;
One <br>
disadvantage to Globars is that the length to diameter ratio tends to be
too high - typically about 6 or more to one.&nbsp; The L/D ratio for a
vhf <br>
suppressor resistor needs to be low - otherwise the desired <br>
stagger-tuning effect is not obtained.&nbsp;&nbsp; Cesiwid/Globar/Kanthal
can make <br>
such resistors on special orders of 1k minimum units.&nbsp; <br>
later, Marv </font></blockquote><br>
I wouldn't dream of using a six inch globar.&nbsp; Mine were type CX and
TWO inches long.<br>


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