[AMPS] reply on connectors and VHF
Larry Molitor
Sun, 05 Mar 2000 17:53:45 +0000
At 07:09 AM 3/4/00 +0000, Ian White, G3SEK wrote:
>Larry Molitor wrote:
> >
> >One last "N" comment. Some have said it easy to install them. I suspect
> >those folks have never had to replace a "N" on top of a 70 foot tower, as
> >the sun is going down, the wind is blowing at 40 MPH, and a thunderstorm is
> >rapidly approaching.
>Correction: it's already dark, and already raining.
>73 from Ian G3SEK
Not with me on the tower, Ian! After all, there is a finite limit to my
admitted insanity.
Larry - W7IUV
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