[AMPS] Mission Impossible

Carl Smidt smidtca@sprint.ca
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 08:07:21 -0400

I agree fully, it was infuriating to have to endure splatter from the 'Big
Guns', each covering more than 20KHz of smaller stations signals. They
obviously were only interested in their own contest score results and to
heck with everyone else. Frustrating! I spent the contest cruising up and
down the bands for the ARRL Y2K DXCC award and couldn't believe what I
heard. I told one guy about his signal and he told me to take a hike.
73,  Carl  VE9OV

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-amps@contesting.com [mailto:owner-amps@contesting.com]On
Behalf Of Peter Sundberg
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 7:06 AM
To: amps@contesting.com
Subject: [AMPS] Mission Impossible


Having spent a full weekend listening to a multitude of LOUSY signals in
the ARRL SSB contest I am inclined to say that this reflector is on a
mission impossible. Things are getting worse no matter how much we debate
the percentage of regulation of screen supplies or how linear a 4CX1000K
can be.

People spend thousands of dollars buying equipment, including amplifiers
but they can't even set the knobs right on the radios to make them sound
good !
Many, many of the "top" US stations were more than 10kc wide, flattopping,
overmodulating to an extent I haven't heard before. Some of the DVK's were
producing square wave..

Checking the web pages out shows these stations run FT1000MP's, FT1000D's,
TS-950's, Alpha's, Henry's, you name it.

Funny thing is, if you tell someone that he is splattering he has a
scope(!!) that shows a perfectly clean signal... :-) Sure !

Can't someone start a "knobs" reflector where transmitter settings can be
debated in detail ?
Rich, will you join ?

/Peter SM2CEW

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