[AMPS] Re: Mission Impossible

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 07:21:31 -0500

>      Good somebofy did bring this up. At first I couldnīt beleive
>      what was going on and had to call a coupple of friends to
>      check if they did see the same, it was abslutley dreadful.
>      I tried to tell a few but ofcourse nobody wanted to take
>      notice. Many many big prominent stations did sound just
>      awful with big distortion and ecessive bandwith, if you
>      like I could name a bunch of callsigns but I donīt think
>      those guys read this reflector, maybe the contest one.
>      de Jim SM2EKM

If you think 40 and 20 meters are problems, try operating 160 
meters from a quiet location one hop away from some newer rigs.

On SSB most exciters are far worse than the PA's assuming the 
PA is properly tuned.

For all the complaints about PA's, look at IMD specs for many 
transceivers. Many of them not only have poor IMD that extends 
out very far, but they also have a large leading edge overshoot 
because of slow ALC response.

Until the exciters are corrected, the problem will remain.
73, Tom W8JI

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