[AMPS] Can't get rid of the boom,boom,boom...

measures 2@vc.net
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 08:25:36 -0700

>> A word of caution on Harbach suppressors.  If the suppressor for a 922 is
>> short on L - the VHF Q of the suppressor may not be low enough to prevent
>> intermittent oscillation at c. 120MHz.  .  A VHF suppressor that runs
>> cool at 28MHz is unlikely to be very lossy at VHF.
>I just installed Harbach suppressors in a 922.  The original was 2 1/2 turns
>in parallel with 24 ohms.  Al's suppressor consists of 5 turns of nichrome
>and two 100 ohm 3 watt Matsushita resistors.  They do run a little warm at
>28 MHz.
Thanks for the into, Steve.  At 28MHz with locked key, Matsushita mof 
resistors should get approximately as hot as Hell.  They should turn a 
lighter shade of blue with brown blotches.  To cause this, L-supp needs 
to be c. 100nH.  
-  cheers

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