[AMPS] Re: Poor Science

Terry Gaiser - W6RU w6ru@lightspeed.net
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 18:23:13 -0800

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Rauch <w8ji@contesting.com>

> Hi Terry,
> I'll try to be more detailed. The keyword above is "accidentally". Let
> me reword my question.
> Does the Henry have an interlock of the type that shorts the HV to
> the chassis? When you defeated that interlock (if it has that type)
> are you sure whatever you used to defeat it did a good job?

Yes, it had a HV crowbar type interlock that would take the B+ to chassis
ground. Before opening the top cover with high voltage applied I went into
the RF deck with the amplifier disconnected from primary voltage source and
disconnected the crowbar strap. It did NOT short when the tube went bang,
bump, thud, or whatever discription one wants to use.

Terry W6RU

> That was what I was trying to ask.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> w8ji@contesting.com

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