[AMPS] Re: SSB interference
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 09:03:22 +0100
Indeed, that´s what I ask myself too. I don´t like or want to
beleive that but maybe that´s the case after all.
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: mike@g0mjw.freeserve.co.uk [SMTP:mike@g0mjw.freeserve.co.uk]
Skickat: den 6 mars 2000 18:58
Till: rbigg@pcola.gulf.net; amps@contesting.com
Ämne: VB: Re: [AMPS] SSB interference
> I don't want to ever put out a bad signal. I'm thankful that I have a
> means, through other hams on the net I check into, to give me a
reading of
> relative signal quality. Is there a better way.
Many Ks worth of test equipment will give a quantitative result rather
a qualitative one.
Is it possible that some of the IMDs were generated deliberately ?
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