Fw: [AMPS] SSB interference

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 09:08:19 -0500

> Tom--there it is.  I agree.  I think the long and short of it is you have
> to literally monitor your outgoing signal and tune off on either side to
> see how clean or dirty it is.  I appreciate hearing the method of using a
> high attenuation bridging tap to get a small enough signal to avoid rcvr
> front-end overload.  I have a trusty old wheezer of a BC-348 that I'll try
> to rig up to do that.  Its IF is wide as a barn door, anyway, so should be
> ideal for hearing nasty things way off to either side without having to
> tune any.

You'll want a fairly good skirt on the receiver.  I'm not sure a BC 
348 would work.

I use my R4C's.
> When you do this, is there any problem avoiding mic feedback (the mic
> "hearing" back what is being said over it)?  Any procedure or cautions
> here? It would seem like an easy way to get feedback howl and/or rf
> feedback in the audio of the xctr/final combo.

I generally watch the S meter without listening, although I do 
sometimes monitor on the other receiver for a few seconds. I 
always wear headphones anyway, so I can hear my TX audio on 
the monitor in my main rig.

73, Tom W8JI

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