[AMPS] Rollers

phil phil@invest.fsbusiness.co.uk
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 10:36:37 +0000


Just had a response from Palstar Inc regarding the construction of their
5Kw roller (their words).

I repeat as follows: We sell the roller inductor HPR-28 for $225. kW
plus, silver plated, 4.5" square and 10" long... same inductor that we
make for our AT4K tuner.

All the metal components are brass silver plated except for the small
angle brackets on the front and back which are aluminium and the coil
itself which is flat copper strap .060 x .375 rolled on its side.

This coil is silver plated after this process.

The front and back plates are .375 high temperature "Glastic", coloured

I wonder if this is any improvement on what you have come across in the
past from MFJ, Vectronics or Palstar?

If then maybe we should all move on to proper rollers from our friends
at Kintronics.

Now you're talking 'real' rollers.

Phil G4ZOW

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