[AMPS] Re:poor science nw fetish

John Vickers wa4tt@nlamerica.com
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 15:13:30 -0500

Steve Wrote:
>>The original (17th century) use of 'fetish' relates to excessive devotion
>>objects or ideas, or belief in magical powers, and doesn't have any sexual

Measures Wrote:
>Welcome to the 21st century, Steve.   If you are ever in LA, stop in at
>the Pleasure Chest  sex-toy store  in Hollywood, and check out the
>fettishes.  .  .

I Write :
Yeah Steve--- They are running a special on Rich's Suppressor kits.

Rumor has it that he is working on a NEW product that will INCREASE the
occillations in one of their toys. Also heard that three of his top
disciples are  being recruited to test the Prototype. Seems it will be
called the  'Big Bang' !!

Wonder if they have a gold model that "sputters" ??? (couldn't pass up this

73 --Please unsubscribe me Quick--- before the retalliation begins !!
John WA4TT

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