[AMPS] VHF visitation (was power handling...)

measures 2@vc.net
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 00:41:40 -0700

>>>When it had a VHF visitation, my old ''plywood box'' amplifier would
>>>Blow the parasitic suppressor resistors into something like cosmic
>>>dust.   My guess is that the engine for this transaction was the
>>>1000 Joules that were stored in the 9200v supply.  The transaction
>>>took place so quickly that it never tripped the breakers.
>>>>But they resistors don't blow up nor do they "look">>
>>physically damaged.
>>>The above resistors were disappeared.  Forrest Gump was right.
>Dear me, I did see the Forrest Gump movie, but I recall not the simile, 
>could you please enlighten this luddite?
€  "Shit happens" -- Forrest Gump.  Murphy said something similar.  

>Then - the plywood box amp seems to have an extraordianry ability.  Does 
>this amplifier still exist?  


>As a prospective author, I'd dearly love to 
>make some network measurements on it, and outfit it with peak measurement 
>apparatus to see what is "up" with it.  

To do this, you would have to remove the present all Ni-Cr alloy vhf 
suppressor device and install a copy of the suppressor whose R-supp 
virtually disappeared.  . 

> VHFYou say it has a "VHF visitation" so 
>I assume you actually measured a VHF occurance.  What was the frequency 

A bit under 68MHz.  No measurement was made during the big-bang.  The 
anode-resonance that apparently supported the event was found with a 

> What was the length of time the pulse lasted (if it was a pulse)? 

beats me.  It sounded like a shotgun, only louder.  .  

>  How did you discern that it was not one of Eimac's fabled "barnacle" 
At 15kV, the tube subsequently exhibited an above avg.  vacuum.  This was 
hardly surprising since the tube had recently been rebuilt by Econco 
Broadcast Services.  A VHF visitation seemed likely because the 
carbon-comp R which disappeared  was DC shorted by <2milli-ohms of 
buswire.  //  RE:  Eimac.   I have never seen an Eimac engineering 
bulletin on parasites.  Have you? //  I have listened to Rauch's banter 
about appearing/disappearing barnacles.  It reminded me of a ''sea 
story'' that is oft' heard over brewskis.  .  

>If this amplifier does not still exist, 

It still exists.  150 in does 15 out.   When I used to tune it up (with a 
pulser), my neighbors' porch lights blinked.  

>can you provide adequate details so 
>that it can be completely replicated?  Oh, such a learning experience that 
>should provide!

Replication is quite straightforeward, and can be accomplished with 
ordinary hand tools -  thanks to precision sheet metal shears, PEM-nut 
fasteners plus screwed & glued douglas fir plywood.  . .  See "Ugly"  on 
my Web site.  Photos are provided of a slightly smaller version using a 
more linear tube. .  A simplified diagram of the only thing in the 
amplifier that is somewhat unique is provided.  (the grid circuitry) 
cheers, Fred

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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