[AMPS] RE: RE: Re: Re: Mission Impossible
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 10:30:38 +0100
This is nothing but technocratic elbow bending, don�t want
any part in it so I just bail out and continue to observ what
happens in "real " life.
Finaly, according to my standards a clean signal wouldn�t
have any distortion.
73, Jim SM2EKM
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Fr�n: Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com [SMTP:Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com]
Skickat: den 8 mars 2000 10:24
Till: amps@contesting.com; Jan.E.Holm@telia.se
�mne: RE: [AMPS] RE: Re: Re: Mission Impossible
Jan asks;
>You say below that signals was clean but distorted due to too much
processing.How can a signal be clean and distorted at the same time?
By 'clean', I mean not excessively wide - or, if you like, the occupied
bandwidth is correct for the voice modulated single sideband signal.
Distortion in stages prior to the final band limiting signal filter (we
talking filter exciters here, not phasing or third method or DSP
using Hilbert transforms unless a band limiting filter follows the
processing) doesn't broaden the signal.
Of course, a receiver with reciprocal mixing problems will show an SSB
signal to be wide, no matter how much attenuation is used in the antenna
input, because reciprocal mixing has a linear (i.e. dB for dB)
with input signal.
Peter G3RZP
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