[AMPS] exciter to amp coax length

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 14:44:58 +0000

At 08:28 AM 3/10/00 -0500, Tom Rauch wrote:
>Obviously the SB-220 has incorrect matching or some other 
>problem on the input, otherwise the impedance at the TS-950 
>wouldn't change.
>As long as a 50 ohm line is terminated in a 50 ohm load, length will 
>not affect the impedance at the transmitter.

Sure, and in this case the original indicated input SWR was more like 1.5:1
than 1:1, hence the length of feedline mattered.  I'd still like to know
why a higher indicated SWR (on the TS-930) translated to higher output,
plate current and grid current on that one band, but for now it's enough
just to have things back behaving normally...

73, Pete Smith N4ZR

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