[AMPS] Rocky Point effects

Colin Lamb k7fm@teleport.com
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 11:07:12 -0800

Mr Rauch said

That's why 3-500Z's and similar tubes actually gas up and fail when operated
too "cold" for extended periods.

The key word is "actually".  This means that a load of codswallop  is quite
likely to come down the chute.  .   (''gas up and fail'')

Hows about taking a bow for your discovery of Tune-C resonances, Mr Rauch?

Never a dull moment.

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.


If you disagree with Tom's observation, then question it or present your own
facts or opinions.  However, the "codswallop" inserts nothing into the
conversation except that you have nothing useful to say - which is better
left unsaid.  You have enough useful comments that you should not waste all
of our time on this stuff.

Also,  the "Tune-C" observation is irrelevant to the point made by Tom and
is a waste of time for of all of the rest of us.  I suppose it was inserted
into your observation to imply that Tom does not know what he is talking
about.  If that is the case, please consider us intelligent enough to figure
that out for ourselves.

Thank You,  Colin  K7FM

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