[AMPS] Rocky Point effects

measures 2@vc.net
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 12:11:41 -0700

>Mr Rauch said
>That's why 3-500Z's and similar tubes actually gas up and fail when operated
>too "cold" for extended periods.
>The key word is "actually".  This means that a load of codswallop  is quite
>likely to come down the chute.  .   (''gas up and fail'')
>Hows about taking a bow for your discovery of Tune-C resonances, Mr Rauch?
>Never a dull moment.
>-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
Colin -- your e-mailer app, Dollar Bill's Microsoft Outlook Express 
5.00.2615.200,  is seemingly not doing attribution marks correctly.  
>If you disagree with Tom's observation, then question it or present your own
>facts or opinions.  

Do tubes ''gas up and fail'' when they are stored in boxes?   

>However, the "codswallop" inserts nothing into the
>conversation except that you have nothing useful to say - which is better
>left unsaid.  

Good point.  I tend to get irritated by  ''facts'' that are not.  .  

> You have enough useful comments that you should not waste all
>of our time on this stuff.
why not stop reading and skip ahead.?

>Also,  the "Tune-C" observation is irrelevant to the point made by Tom and
>is a waste of time for of all of the rest of us.  

Tune C resonance figures into arcing.  Is that not basically what we are 

> I suppose it was inserted
>into your observation to imply that Tom does not know what he is talking

not quite.  .  Tom is trying to ignore his valuable discovery.  . 

> If that is the case, please consider us intelligent enough to figure
>that out for ourselves.
congrats,  Colin  cheers.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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