[AMPS] Re: Static discharge caused arcs

Lamb k7fm@teleport.com
Sat, 11 Mar 2000 07:38:53 -0800

Hi Carl:

Interesting thought.  Probably should not discuss receivers on the Amps
Reflector - but it is simply the continuation of an amp related topic.

It makes sense to put the rf choke at the output side of the relay so that
it shorts anything that is not supposed to be there to ground - and, as Hans
has suggested, improve receiving back-ground noise.  There is one minor
caution, though, in that the rf choke will drop in impedance at some point
and affect received signals.  A 2.5 mh choke would be fine through 160
meters when using a low impedance antenna - but suppose you also use the
receiver to receive on the broadcast band or lower - where the antenna might
be high impedance.  Thus, it might not be appropriate to hang a normal rf
choke across the receiver input of a general coverage receiver.

Sorry to digress, but it really has to do with design of power amplifiers -
and whether the rf choke should be hung on the output side of the relay.
There is merit to the suggestion.

73,  Colin  K7FM

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