[AMPS] tank spark discharge

Steve Bookout nj4f@erols.com
Sat, 11 Mar 2000 12:59:05 -0500

Hello all,

At the risk of trying to divert the beating of several really dead horses,
I have a question.

In my 8877 home brew amp, when I turn it off about a second after I do, I
hear a little 'tink' of a spark from the plate tank area.  I traced it to a
little spark which travels between the C2 end of the plate inductor and
ground on the C2.  It jumps about 3/8 of an inch.
I suppose it has something to do with the collapse of the 'magical fields'
in the tank circuit and no doubt reflects the 'Q' of the tank.

Is this an indication of 'goodness' or 'badness' or ??  Any comments or
conjecture?  Should I worry?

Is this caused by a gettering of a parasitic oscillation caused by
Nichrome, during a 'Rocky Point' event? 8^)

73 de Steve, NR4M

Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

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