[AMPS] Plate chokes and other mysteries...

NS1Z / John NS1Z / John" <ns1z@arrl.net
Sat, 11 Mar 2000 19:57:10 -0500

1.  I have an Ameritron AL-80A, single 3-500. The plate choke went POW!! I
know it did since I viewed the two ends of the wire hanging next to each
other in the top winding. Can this be repaired by merely removing insulation
of sufficient length and soldering the wire back together, after unwinding
each of the "new" ends a half turn before twisting them together and

2.  Seems to me I heard some disparaging words regarding the "A" version of
this box. Anyone remember what was said regarding areas that needed to be

John Wilcox  NS1Z
871 Route 120
Rumford, ME  04276-3836

fone:  207-364-2246

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