[AMPS] Chokes

measures 2@vc.net
Sat, 11 Mar 2000 20:20:54 -0700

>> > (W8JI on the choke across Load-C)
>> > A 100 microhenry choke is enough for 160 meters in a 50 ohm line.
>> >
>> Very good point, Tom. This requires a minuscule change in the load-C
>> setting compared to a larger inductance. I hadn't thought much about this
>> component before -- "everybody knows" you use a couple mH here. Why do all
>> the amp designs in my handbooks (ARRL & Orr) call for 1 mH or more?
>Because that is what everyone uses, no matter what is needed. 
>Actually, a 100-5000 uH choke would probably be much better!
The highest L  choke that has no resonances below 30MHz is c. 65uH.  


-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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