[AMPS] Receiver performance
Peter Chadwick
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 09:06:50 -0000
Hans says;
>Why do you not tell us a little about the test of the new IC
>756PRO in the recent issue of your RADIO COMMUNICATIONS?
I don't know what I can say, Hans. One thing I do know is that lab tests are
fien, but whatever receiver it is, you need to put it on the air to find out
if it's any good. Then when you find a problem, the test gear gives you the
ability to measure and evaluate the effects of any improvements.
Many years ago, I visited a rather august research establishement where an
HF receiver with DSP was demonstrated. There was the usual 12kHz wide
roofing filter prior to the DSP, and when I demonstrated with off air
signals the thing falling over when a strong signal was within the roofing
filter passband, the rather injured response was 'Well, it is all DSP for
the filters'.
I guess that has made me, apparently like Tom, a bit suspicious of it.......
Peter G3RZP
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