[AMPS] Dentron MLA 2500 Amplifier?++

N6BUU@aol.com N6BUU@aol.com
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 15:12:54 EST

In a message dated 03/17/2000 11:30:49 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
philk5pc@tyler.net writes:

 The tubes are VERY expensive, Kurt.....almost $1000/pair!.
 See May 1996 QST for article on "New Life for entron MLA2500s" by
 George Daughters, AB6YL. Lots of your questions answered there.
 There are no tuned input circuits; the cathodes are driven directly.
 I have no experience with this amp, so I will not comment on operation.
 Phil, K5PC
after reading  AMPS for quite some time, i get the feeling that there is no 
such thing as the perfect tube (valve) for ham legal limit amps. the 3-500's 
seem to have their 
problems. external anode tubes cost to much, the 811A'S are 60 years old etc 
what tube in the opinion of this group (ALL THINGS CONSIDERED) is the BEST 
one to use in a ham built or comerical (HF) amp??  i hope i am not creating 
another argument with this question!                                          
  hank,   n6buu

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