[AMPS] Untuned 3cx1200a7 unput ?
Lane Zeitler
Sat, 18 Mar 2000 07:39:21 -0800
All of the tuned input components including the pc board can be purchased
directly from Ameritron. They have a standard policy of offering virtually
every part they use in their amps for sale to the public. While some parts
are marginal like their bandswitches others are nicely done such as their
tuned input networks.
They have a web site but I do not know it. Go to www.hamradio.com and click
to dealer links and get in that way. I, like Rich, wonder why they have not
converted over to the Z7. If the tubes were not so expensive that would be
the only tube of choice. But, since used, good pull Eimac 3-500Zs are
available for $75 they ramain my core tube.
----- Original Message -----
From: Glenn Biggerstaff <n3huv@ezy.net>
To: <amps@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 8:27 AM
Subject: [AMPS] Untuned 3cx1200a7 unput ?
> Hi , I recently acquired a home-brew amp that is pretty much a copy of
> an Ameritron AL-1200 except that there is no tuned circuit for the input
> , not even a swamping resistor . Has anyone ever run a 3cx1200a7 that
> way ? It was run that way in the past but I don't know how successfully
> . There is room to add a tuned input circuit but it would require a
> separate switch for the input unless I am very creative about coupling
> the two switches together . Any thoughts would be welcome .Thanks 73
> Glenn N3HUV
> --
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