[AMPS] Sell QRO 1000 MHZ BIRD dummyload
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 11:51:13 +0000
For sale or swap a BIRD dummy load/attenuator model 8329-300
2 kW ( carrier or 4 kW pep SSB ) in commercial continous carrier service -
at least 4kW carrier in intermittent amateur service. In case you buy or
build yourself the simple external blower unit you can run it in 4 kW
continous commercial service or 8 kW pep ( there is a female LC "QC" type
connector avaible at BIRDs - easily interchangable )
As an attenuator you have 30 dB attenuation
SWR: 1.1 - 1.0 max DC - 500 MHz
Frequency range: DC - 1 GHz . You can use it on 1296.
Dimensions: 23 1/4 long - 7 1/8 wide - 17 3/16 high
Weight: 57 lbs ( must be with cooling oil? - shipping weight will be less
without oil )
50 ohms nominal
Prefer pick -up in the home QTH but can be send by air. Guess i have to
take out the heavy oil then. Swap or sell.
Anybody wanting my 2 vs 3 - tone audio generator for ssb distorsion
measurements? Swap or sell.
Prosit de Hans SM5KI
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