[AMPS] Receiver performance

perry@willbell.com perry@willbell.com
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 17:07:08 -0500

Greetings All,

I have particularly enjoyed reading the positings on receiver performance.
Over the past 50 years I have never had a problem working any station that
I could hear (starting with a Viking Ranger/Hallicrafters SX-76 :(, next a
Kenwood 820, and now a FT1000MP, SB220 and a dipole) but then I am not a
contester. (In the 70s I could break any pile from Caracas as W1COW/YV5 and
American English!) The amplifier postings (for the most part) have been
very instructive. The receiver comments are filling in the rest of the
story. For me, the weak link has always been the receiver. Thanks all.


Perry W1COW/4

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