[AMPS] Re: New G2DAF amplifier information (KG2BU)

measures 2@vc.net
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 16:34:28 -0700

>I believe that there is an FCC rule that requires good engineering of the
>station -

What a joke.  What is good?  Paragraph D says splatter must not go beyond 
the Amateur Service band.  

>  I don't have a copy of Part 97 with me. And, technically, KG2BU
>is still guilty of interference since he is probably "stomping" on a nearby
>QSO that is already in progress. Therefore, regardless of where he is
>operating, it is an illegal operation. Hasn't anyone complained to Mr.
>Hollingsworth yet? I'm sure he'd like to know about this. Chances are that
>this guy is interfering with TV reception and his harmonics are probably
>causing interference to other services. Hollingsworth may not get to him
>right away, but I'm sure he'll get around to it. But, the worse thing you
>can do is to intentionally QRM violators - you might just get "nailed"
>along with him. :-O
Probably not.  

>Do what ever makes you feel good - it's a sign of the times. (sarcastic
>At 15 41 3/22/00 -0500, you wrote:
>>Wishful thinking  on your part the "Gent" in question sticks to the
>>"center" of the band in question and starts his squawking back to Poland,
>>the signal being so wide that I can carry on a conversation with a DX
>>station and listen in on his one sided retorts with ease, and yes some of
>>his vodka induced coments (in Polish) are actualy some time even
>>My-My I think that that Nappa grape juice must be getting to you big
>>time; you did say the FCC? That agust body that is doing such a bang on
>>job on all of the 75 meter miscreants, you must jest...
>>Cheers and Beers
>>On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 12:04:27 -0700 measures <2@vc.net> writes:
>>> >
>>> >Jan,
>>> >Your comments about Kris KG2BU (SP) are of no surprise to me, we in 
>>> the
>>> >New York region have know about him and his "Mighty Killer 
>>> Amplifier" for
>>> >some time and if you think that he is 50 kHz wide on 21 MHz the you
>>> >missed him on 75 meters at lest 75 kHz wide if not more.
>>> One defense is to operate just below the top edge of the band.   If 
>>> the 
>>> Mighty Killer Amplifier rears its ugly head, it splatters outside 
>>> the 
>>> amateur service band and the FCC can take legal measures.  .  
>>> .........later
>>> -  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  
>>> end
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-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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