[AMPS] The G2DAF Amplifier; Intents and Purposes

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Sun, 26 Mar 2000 10:35:26 -0600

I pulled up the subscriber list yesterday...there are some 425
subscribers to "AMPS." Since I am no spring chicken, and
did not just fall off the turnip truck onto this reflector, I think I
can safely say that there are at least 200-300 of us out here in
cyberville that would like to know the following:

1. What was the intended "mission" of the "DAF amplifier?

    a. to save money
    b. to get higher power out of a tube than by other classes of operation
    c. to use a tube that is not normally suited for linear amp use
    d. to gain notoriaty for the "inventor"
    e. all of the above
    f.  none of the above

Inquiring minds would like to know!!!

Phil, K5PC

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